The Google 'Oracle' - An Upside-Down Paradigm
I think the 'philosophy' is backwards.
Why isn't Google keeping US 'happy'?
In a free market it is NOT a corporation which decides which product to use; rather, the consumers who buy their products.
Google has the paradigm backwards, don't you think?
There are four major issues:
They are positioning themselves as 'knowledge brokers' and are trying
to insert the ideas of ownership and privatization into the Noosphere.
No one person (even artificial 'humans' which corporations are) or group
has the right to lay claim on knowledge. It must remain free to
2) Their manipulation of search results. I now have to
use several different search engines to get my work done since they've
moved to Search. It's not the job of a search engine to decide for me
what's important! Not even to 'protect' me.
3) Their efforts to insert themselves into the noosphere as arbiters of the conceptual landscape. This is known as #KBT Knowledge Based Trust.
The upper leadership belongs to what I call the 'wrecking crew'. Google
is actively participating in the premature globalization, social
engineering, and weaponized technologization we see all around us.
#Corporatism #Google #GoogleNow
#Knowledge #Wisdom #Understanding #Learning #Insight
Link to article:
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
You Had Your Say? - Not At YouTube
You Had Your Say? - Not At YouTube
This is a photo documentation of the comment section of a TED video I criticized yesterday. Notice that the time of the comparison was over 24 hours after the post... you'd think that would be enough time to synchronize all the servers, but it wasn't!
It was enough for other's comment, but not for mine.
Even though many people posted AFTER me, my sort order was 'Newest First', the two comparisons are from the same area with one being anonymous, they show no signs of my comment!
If you thought your free speech is allowed a place at YouTube, think again.
Here's a link to the video:
See for yourself.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Dark Net – Artificial Anonymity To Enthuse And Pacify You
The NSA has invested millions into the endeavour.
I've followed this from the beginning. (I've been an Internet provider and hoster since 1995). I became aware of their tracking of eMail back then too - of course under the guise of preventing SPAM... (protect us [themselves]). Guess who runs the most dominant child-pornography, white slavery markets, weapons, and drugs: these parasites (NSA/CIA).
The 'Dark' Net is simply there as an alternative for those who need the illusion of anonymity. In reality it is used for the identification of competition to these gangsters running things, to recruit new members into their fold, to acquire the proverbial 'piece of the action' for those they identify and cannot/will not allow into their membership, and to do research on the rest who are nothing more than a set of statistical problems to solve and track.
More info:
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
We Are One Of Many - A Human Race

We Are One Of Many - A Human Race
Races ARE different! Each are unique and important. We must recognize that the parasites perched upon us need desperately to remove anyone who can (and have in the past offered) offer resistance to them: a united and cohesive cultural identity.
We must treat all people according to their character and deeds, but being colour blind is NOT the way to peace and harmony between the races! What if we were to break from our present paradigm (and social engineering/programming) and state the case plainly?
Can not our first reaction (and most telling reaction) be one of advanced and mature thinking and action on this subject? Can we finally distance ourselves from what has come before and really be the pioneers that we pay our homage to, yet never live up to?
Why don't we just move on and speak plainly, truthfully, and without any sense of shame or guilt? Let's go to the next step of our evolution: embrace/accept/acknowledge our differences and extend/coordinate/ them organically. Instead of artificially mixing them out of existence!
[She's a wonderful actress in the series 'Outlander'. An Irish girl with the name Caitriona Balfe.]
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Psychopathy - Learn How They Are
Your life depends upon this knowledge, since our 'owners' belong to this group of humanity and are responsible for most of the suffering in our world.
We would be living on other planets and travelling to the stars right now if we hadn't stood by and allow them to make a mess of our world. We are called upon, for the sake of ALL, to now stop these parasitic 'vampires' forming a blight on the whole of humanity.
We must only stop obeying them. They cannot lead us if we don't let them. If we don't, we will be pulled farther into their nightmare which their fears have created for us.
There are dangerously FEW humans in the universe. Will we allow our wings to be clipped before we have a chance to unfold them?
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Don't We Look Good?
Don't We Look Good?
Note that Switzerland (the home of the banksters) does not:
It closed its doors in 2014.
Our good intentions are being used against us.
What do we think when the radicals come (if they aren't already here like in France)?
Will we still be so happy like a seal flapping for his ball?
The banksters have made this all happen!
We are watching a revolution back into the dark ages in slow motion and think it's trendy!
We can tell ourselves how good we are and yet remain blind to the reasons this has happened. The banksters make war, create a need for mass migration of people to dilute and destroy the cultural and social cohesion of western states (except Switzerland, New Zealand if they're lucky, Cayman Islands,... where the biggest banksters live or will exit to).
#SocialMarxism #Propaganda #Collapse #Banksters #Fraud #ArtificialImmigration #CulturalShock
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