Nobel Prize For Stating The Obvious
You can get a Nobel for anything these days: Obama for peace(!) and Merkel soon for treason, for example.
You need only be 'connected' or have something to say or do that our controllers value.
In this one we have 3 points:
1) 'Huh' and its variants appear in 31 languages
2) People stop for clarification in conversation once every 90 seconds
3) People share the burden of fixing misunderstanding in conversation.
Now if you didn't know this already, then celebrate!
Friday, January 15, 2016

More of Google's attempt to become the 'clearing house' of truthful, 'trustful', and important facts and therewith create a 'truthful tribe'. I thought we wanted to rid ourselves of tribalism?
So many talented people will never be known, because they work 'under the radar' or for being ignored (exiled) as 'heretics'.
Here is a question: how can even truth, not to mention trust, be systematized when we cannot know all of it as well as its many sources of origination?
Google is creating its own demise with this. It will go down or cause a vast migration of awakened (and non-evangelists) to move to, create, or participate in other search engines.
True research must make it's own decisions upon what is truthful, trustworthy, and valuable. If we allow a corporation to manage these values, we will enter an age of 'privatized credibility'.
They will be able to keep people out of the debate (social discourse) by making them non-authoritative. If they can establish metrics then everyone must conform to them.
It's like believing Marx, Engels, and Lenin were philosophers when they were really children playing with snake-oil in order to sell the idea that a tyranny of Communism was the solution to humanity's problems.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Typical Knowledge Acquisitions Node
Knowledge Representation
A typical knowledge acquisition node showing two layers of abstraction. Note how some of the acquisition field detection moves with the observer's perspective. You can tell, due to the varying visual aspects of the fields and their conjunctions that it has already been primed and in use.
This node may be one of thousands/millions/billions which form when acquiring the semantics of any particular signal set.
Their purpose is to encode a waveform of meaning.
Basically it is these 'guys' which do the work of 'digesting' the knowledge contained within any given signal; sort of like what enzymes do in our cells.
The size, colour (although not here represented), orientation, quantity, sequence, and other attributes of the constituent field representations all contribute to a unique representation of those semantics the given node has encountered along its travel through any particular set of signal. The knowledge representation (not seen here) is comprised of the results of what these nodes do.
This node represents a unique cumulative 'imprint' or signature derived from the group of knowledge molecules it has processed during its life time in the collation similar to what a checksum does in a more or less primitive fashion for numerical values in IT applications.
I have randomized/obfuscated a bit here (in a few different ways), as usual, so that I can protect my work and release it in a prescribed and measured way over time.
In April I will be entering the 7th year of working on this phase of my work. I didn't intentionally plan it this way, but the number 7 does seem to be a 'number of completion' for me as well.
The shape of the model was not intended in itself. It 'acquired' this shape during the course of its work. It could have just as well been of a different type (which I'm going to show here soon).
Important is the 'complementarity' of the two shapes as they are capable of encoding differing levels of abstraction. The inner model is more influenced by the observer than the outer one, for example. The outer shape contains a sort of 'summary' of what the inner shape has processed.
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