Sunday, May 3, 2020

Why Do Some People Want to Destroy Other People?

My answer to this question on Quora here:

Often they do it, because those who destroy others’ lives are themselves miserable or have destroyed their own lives.

Another reason is to advance objectives that are held by the person or held by the people the person works for. Alphabet agencies like CIA, NSA, NSC, BND, MOSSAD, UNO,… there are even documented examples of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Twitter, and Facebook having exhibited this behaviour.

They usually harbour some form of disdain for others or humanity as a whole. Or they are incapable of human properties like empathy (pathology of some kind).

Humanity is comprised of many spectra; those of ideologies, values, goals, methods, knowledge, power,… These spectra, when placed upon their side like a sine wave (which is actually a spiral), look like Bell curves of some type. There are many variants of these curves.

Here are a few examples:

bell curve at DuckDuckGo

Note how each Bell curve exhibits specific properties. Among those properties are the distribution of an inherent ‘population’. The population of the curve could be anything, not just people. They also have outliers. Those of the population which exist on the extreme left or right of the curve.

If we had a particular set of properties to examine, we may place the distribution of this property into one or more of these curves. Let’s take banksters, who can be, and usually are very destructive.

We would have at least 5 curves to describe their population.

  • Intelligence: where they usually (always exceptions to outliers) occupy the upper portion of the curve (where it gets real small).
  • Empathy: where they usually occupy the extreme lower part of the spectrum.
  • Control fetish: where they are usually found in the middle of the spectrum.
  • Hoarding: again in the centre.

You could continue in this vein to describe them so uniquely, that even language can’t keep up with its ‘granularity’ (increasing specificity). Things like available resources, socialising debt, privatising profit, corruption, warmongering, demographic changes, jail time, manipulative tendency, fear,…
That is where language is then transformed into knowledge.

As you see, people who destroy other’s lives can easily be found using this method.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Some Weaknesses of Communism and Karl Marx's 'Work'

One reason why Karl Marx is so revered is, because 'intellectuals' don’t realise that he based his political philosophy on the work of the philosophers of his day, as well as those which came before. Some aspects of these philosophies are now out-dated and have been superseded by modern philosophers who came after.

Most academics are not aware of this, because the works of Marx are so involved and complex, that they do not easily lend themselves to a single individual’s understanding (even for Marx himself!). So they simply don’t go into depth on their own or they trust what others say! They need not do any real thinking on their own. They must simply adopt this weaponised and cancerous perspective to see themselves as part of a larger idea and to create and discover themselves within it.

Another reason for the continued adherence to his political philosophy is that it provides those, who are addicted to control and collectivism, to maintain their efforts to dominate and subjugate those, such as we, who do not belong to their hegemony: the banksters.

While these very banksters control to what extent and which corporations fund research, they continue to put their money where their belief structure lies.

Here are two examples of how Marx was in way beyond his depth regarding philosophy in particular and history in general:

The Marxist dialectic was adapted from Hegel’s Dialectic and weaponised via historical materialism. It purports to be a reflection of the real world created by man, but it is faulty. His version of history was being perverted by a collectivist mental lens.

Also, the dialectic has been found to be incomplete. There are other mechanisms responsible for change as well determining truth of validity claims. Modern philosophy can literally ‘sink his ships’ on every principle he re-defined and/or incorrectly understood.

I must add that I have been examining his ‘work’ over many years now. I have also compared it to the work of others such as Henry George and Lysander Spooner among many others. My work is going to reveal how childish, despite how involved/complex, that mind of Marx was.

There will come a day when adherents to Marxism will be ashamed of themselves. They will finally see that they have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated (duped) into a weaponised and destructive system that, had they thought through it in light of other philosophers, would not have ever taken hold.

The premature globalist parasites have injected into our cultures that Marxism is ‘intellectual’ and ‘sophisticated’, because it affords them with an ideology capable of allowing the destruction of present social and cultural constructions without reservation. Why should we concern ourselves with out-dated cultural and social entities when utopia awaits for us?

They subscribe to the false meme: "The ends justify their means." when, in actuality, the means determine their ends. Destructive means... destructive ends.

Marxism is a means for the tyranny of a few to be made palatable to the masses. The very same families who were responsible for Imperialism are those now aiding and abetting the invasion of Europe as well as the social engineering being worked upon our societies and cultures.

My life would be a success in my own eyes if I only achieve this goal, but my life’s work has something much greater in meaning.

#Marxism #Collectivism #FakePhilosophy #SocialEngineering #ClassStruggle #Myopy

Friday, December 22, 2017

Which questions does Category Theory help us answer?

Another chapter in my attempt to help break the ‘spell’ of the category theoretical ‘ontologicisation’ of our world.

This may seem to many as a purely academic question, but we all need to realise that all of what we consider a modern way of thinking rests upon ‘mental technologies’ such as Category Theory.
Academics are literally taking the ‘heart’ out of how our world is being defined!
If we don’t pay attention, humanity will continue losing its way.

Category theory is a wonderful and powerful tool; nevertheless category theory, with all of its utility, is purely ontological. It can masterfully answer questions such as ‘Who?’, ‘What?’, and ‘How?’.
However; it is regretfully inadequate to form a comprehensive representation of knowledge, for it lacks expression of epistemological value, which are the very reasons for is use. Epistemology is about answering the questions of ‘Why?’, ‘What does it mean?’, ‘What is my purpose?’,…
Answers to questions of this kind are implicitly supplied by us during our consumption of the utility afforded by category theory. We often are so beguiled by this power of categorical expression that we don’t realise that is we ourselves who bring the ‘missing elements’ to what it offers as an expression of knowledge.
It does a wonderful job with exteriority (ontology), but cannot sufficiently describe nor comprehensively access interiority (epistemology). Therefore, it has limited metaphysical value with respect to philosophy in general.

Philosophies of mind, of language, or of learning are not comprehensive using only category theoretical tools.
Categorical structures are highly portable, but they can describe/express only part of what is there. There are structures, dynamics, and resonance that the ontology and functionalism in category theory completely turns a blind eye to.
More general than category theory is knowledge representation. It includes and surpasses category theory in many areas, both in scope and depth, but in particular: knowledge representation includes not just the ontological aspects of what we know, it goes further to describe the epistemological as well.
The qualities of Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Clarity,… can be defined and identified within a knowledge representation if the representation is not restricted to ontology. When category theory is used for the purpose of defining qualia, the objects must first be ontologised and functionally reduced. Trying to grasp them with tools restricted to category theory (or even semiotics) is like grasping into thin air. 
Category theory, although very powerful, is no match for the challenge of a complete representation of knowledge. Category theory will tell you how to tie your shoes, but it can’t tell you why you are motivated to do so.
This answer on Quora

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Erich Schmidt on 'Truth' - Some Decisions Should Be Left For Customers To Decide


Maybe some things should be left to those who use the search engine...
Google just doesn't get its collective mind around a simple thing:

Google's users want to determine what is true for themselves!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

AI Concern: 'Prometheus Doctrine' Revisited - Nick Bostrom (Part 1 of 2)

Nick Bostrom: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?

I'm referring to the men and women who, as this video exemplifies, subscribe to a sort of  'Prometheus Doctrine'; which for me is like a fetish of needing to destroy in order to create. They talk about their fear and project their fear onto and into our science and technology instead of quelling the sources of that fear from the very beginning. The source of their fear IS preventable!
If we were advancing technology for the right reasons and using the right means, we wouldn't have anything to fear! The 'snake', through guilt and even 'karma', calls forth its own destruction and even begins to eat itself!

Also, the video literally reeks of the disdain and disregard (contempt) for humanity and the impetuousness of a science running amok (without morals and ethics) that has become the fashion in our mainstream trendy pabulum which premature globalist social engineering has created for our consumption. All branches of the human endeavour have been infected or affected by this social engineering in some way.

At university our youth is being incrementally infected (radicalised) by this 'bug' of disdain and we should all be aware of it before it becomes our undoing! You see it when you ask them to consider the ramifications of the science and technology being created now, and they respond with "You'd better get used to it, because that's the way it is." It resembles the 'bitch' meme that is pervasive in the 'prison culture' social engineering I've been referring to above.

Their callous and impetuous response is paired with a complete wilful ignorance of the consequences of what science and technology (and their steady weaponisation) are doing or potentially can do to our home here on planet Earth as well as to ourselves. The social engineers will have us worrying about how our free speech may adversely affect others and therewith attempt to quell debate by means of political correctness (PC).

The youth of humanity has been abused by this kind of thing since at least the late 18th Century, because it is widely known (and not spoken of) that they, with rare exception, are not yet able to compete intellectually with adults.  Adolescents sense this, which exacerbates their normal impetuousness, so they attempt to compensate for this perceived deficit by 'attaching' themselves to some any deeper perspectives they are introduced to. The mainstream 'trendy' has been 'weaponised' so these are usually various destructive lines of thinking (Communism, Satanism,...). They are provided with a narrow, but sometimes deep understanding by simply taking on these lines of thought with their peers. By doing this, they may well even surpass the understanding of the adults around them, but the knowledge imprint only stands out like a wart. This can be recognised, because the corresponding hallmark lines of development in wisdom and insight, that always accompany and provide a context for that knowledge, are absent.

The parasites perched upon humanity know this. That's why they want our children so soon and so long. Students literally get 'caught in the headlights' of the teachers and professors, who are themselves victims of this incrementalism. The controllers can then direct this lack of experience and wisdom (naivety) against the rest of the population by indoctrinating our youth into zealots.

BTW: This post is not here to ridicule nor ostracise anyone! It is intended to wake everyone up! In the end we are ALL being manipulated (including Nick Bostrom) by the corporations who are controlling and transforming our science, education, media, governance,... I've had to delete comments below from disrespectful people who now want to criticize Nick Bostrom personally. I will not have that here!

This writing is not a criticism of Nick Bostrom, rather a criticism of the education system and science that subtly 'fashions' how we ourselves as well as our youth and those directly involved (including Mr. Bostrom) see themselves through science, philosophy, mathematics, and the arts; in fact, nearly all of the human endeavour has been infected or affected by it.

@00:31 "Okay, let's look at the modern human condition..."
He shows a 'doctored' image of a man wearing glasses with his eye size increased to almost fill the lenses. I find myself asking myself if he is referring to the "I work with a bunch of mathematicians, philosophers, and computer scientists..." he talks about  here?:
It sure isn't clear of who he's referring to with his 'human condition'! Here is our first indication of the disrespect for humanity his action here reveals. He seems not to have considered or known that this very condition of humanity that he's making light of for his audience Is, in fact, a result of the very science he represents!

When I see an image of someone who looks as in this image I think of Pavlov or B.F. Skinner with their 'contributions' to humanity (weaponized social engineering)! I ask myself why he chose this image particularly and not another that would have been as funny, but not so unforgiving of humans who have bought into the social engineering they've been subjected to?

@00:43 "We are recently arrived 'guests' on this planet."We are the living Earth! We are as much a part of this planet as anything else living on/in/above it. We are NOT guests on this planet, it's our home!

@00:49 "Think about the world was created... the Earth was created one year ago." I find it interesting that he uses the word 'created' instead saying something like 'formed itself' or 'accrued its main composition'. It's almost the model that Carl Sagan offered in his Cosmos Series and elsewhere, but doesn't quite ring as true.

@01:07-He uses a graph depicting GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to make statements about societal changes over thousands of years! This is not only wrong, the metrics don't even correlate with each other! (Notice how the people laugh? I wonder how many of them really know what they're laughing at?)

@00:37-[regarding technology] "That's why we are so productive."We have always been productive. Technology is nothing new. [Which he acknowledges!] Even the militarization of technology isn't new. He refers to some [ap]proximate cost idea he doesn't explain nor provide a context for. Technology contains both potential and real costs and returns in many terms (social, cultural, personal,...), for the record. This has not changed over time.

@01:43 "We have to move back farther... to the ultimate costs." He then introduces two "highly distinguished gentlemen": Kanzi and Ed Witten. I dispute his choice of examples to go with, as Nassim Haramein or Nikola Tesla would have been better choices from where I stand, but he didn't ask me, did he? ;-)

I wonder what we'll be saying about Super-string and M-Theory in 100 years? I doubt seriously it will stand the test of time as the theories are almost certainly wrong.

@01:57 "If we look under the 'hood', this is what we find. Basically the same thing. [!]... one is a little larger. It maybe also have a few tricks in the way that it's wired... These invisible differences cannot be too complicated; however, because there have only[!] been more than 250,000 generations since our last common ancestor and we know that complicated mechanisms take a long time to evolve."I guess that's the reason the apes didn't get very far?!?! Or what am I to make of this proposition? At some crucial juncture in the past the apes simply decided to turn left instead of right? Or did we? In any case he doesn't reveal to us exactly what those 'invisible differences' may be.

@02:21 "So a bunch of relatively minor changes take us from Kanzi to Witten."Still no mention of what the changes are and I still don't see why Kanzi isn't writing Haiku!

@02:33 "So this then seems pretty obvious that everything we have achieved pretty much and everything we care about depends crucially on some relatively minor changes that made the human mind." He provides no basis for that statement and moves on to a corollary without even explaining this massive jump from somewhere around the time of a common ancestor to what the human mind has become!

@02:43 "And the corollary of course, is that any further changes that could significantly change the substrate of thinking could have potentially enormous consequences"Wait just one minute! There has been no justification for the prior proposition, not to mention a justifiable connection it may have to some 'substrate of thought'! Having a common phylogenic ancestor who has mastered over 200 lexical tokens is nothing compared to the subtlety and sophistication of the human mind!

@02:55 "Some of my colleges think that we are on the verge of something that could cause a profound change in that substrate... and that is machine super-intelligence. Artificial intelligence used to be..."So what does this mean? Are we now entering an age of 'post-artificial intelligence'? A sort of neo-AI? Could you also tell me more about that 'substrate'?

@03:29 "Today the action is really around machine learning. Rather than hand-crafting knowledge representations and features we create algorithms that learn..."Here he's getting into an area he seems uncomfortable with. I suspect, for myself, one reason why. He is revealing that he's never seen nor been a part of building a knowledge representation that was completely satisfying to those who made it!
It further reveals that he's working without one or doesn't trust any philosophy of knowledge or mind as a basis for the scientific methods he's been involved with! A set of underlying philosophies of mind, language, and knowledge are absolutely required!

These facts are verified a bit later...@04:05 "Now of course AI is still nowhere near having the same powerful cross-domain ability to learn and plan as a human being has." He then reveals that he's also locked into the brain-based-model of mind that is reminiscent of the adherence to phrenology in the early to middle 19th Century.

He then asks how far are we in being able to match those tricks. This leads him to mention a survey of some of the leading AI experts on just when we will likely reach a stage of human ability. Answers ranged from 2040 to 2050 (with estimates of 90% at around 2070/2075!!!).

@05:01 "The truth is, no one really knows."And they won't know either, because they aren't allowing all that is required for 'intelligence' to be included into the endeavour. I firmly believe that our current scientists will regret this phase of their history. Their names are on the line for the conceptual barren land they have created for themselves and are selling to us. They are not even doing themselves a favour; rather, are doing the corporations which pay them one!

The corporations and the banksters which run them who stand above the law are those who profit from this 'science', because it provides them with thin veils of plausibility to divert huge sums of money, minds, and other resources towards aims that few of us would ever allow if we knew them.

@05:05 "What we do know is that the ultimate limits to information processing in machine substrate lie far outside the limits in biological tissue."It seems we have now moved from 'thinking substrate' to 'machine substrate' without ever knowing what these terms mean. How can he know this? We haven't even developed a successful philosophy of mind yet! There are many aspects of knowing, feeling, thinking, learning,... in organic intelligence that we have yet to understand.

@05:15 "This comes down to physics."He then compares the latest hardware (transistors) with neurons and means to show that these differences are meaningful in making the determination above and sticks with the size limitations of our brains being a size limitation for mind (again as if the mind were limited to the brain!)...

Note also that he is referring to information processing! If he had a decent set of knowledge representations to review, he would know that those tiny little neurons are not 'transistors' for the mind. There's much going on in the mind for which the physical brain cannot give an answer! He is essentially attempting to compare apples and oranges with each other with an incomplete understanding what the apples are made of.

@05:47 "So the potential for super-intelligence kind of lies dormant in matter like much like the power of the atom lie dormant throughout history... patiently waiting there until 1945."Atoms did quite well, actually, before we learned how they work and began to make destructive use of the energy that comprises them. We certainly didn't liberate them; rather, learned how to break them!

He then shows a picture of an hydrogen bomb blast and says @05:59*"In this century scientists may learn to awaken the power of artificial intelligence... and I think we might then see an intelligence explosion."

This begs the question of what intelligence is! Also, it is unclear what aspects is he referring to: logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, knowledge, memory, creativity, problem solving,...? Later he tries to clarify this, but in so doing confuses the issue more.

Also there seems to be confusion here about the kind of intelligence (if we now pretend to have defined that term) would be that will have arisen. I'll return to this later.

@06:10 "Now most people when they think about what is smart and what is dumb I think have in mind a picture roughly like this:"and shows @06:15 a line (which is actually a distribution, but no one notices) with a "Village idiot" (using his terms) on the low end and Ed Witten on the the high end and a line stretching across between them.

It appears to be about knowledge of physics, because of Ed Witten being on it and how he then refers to what could have been Albert Einstein or any other favourite "Guru" we may want to choose. I wonder how this distribution would have ended up if he were to have measured empathy, situational awareness, or the knowledge of how the work your doing is being used for purposes other than good?

Where would Ed Witten, Albert Einstein, anyone of our choosing, or the village idiot then be found in the distribution. There are many kinds of 'intelligence' that are not even being considered here.
Notice how this distribution then magically transforms itself into an evolutionary path (which even appears to contain logarithmic/exponential value, as well). At least he has the village idiot higher on the scale than a chimp! I was almost expecting Kanzi to be somewhere in the middle of the distribution that the line represented before.

And then he says at @07:07 "The train doesn't stop at 'Humanville station'..."This is more of that disdain I referred to above and will return to later in this post.

@07:11 "It's likely rather to 'swoosh' right by."He doesn't tell us why this will happen, but I suppose we will simply be surpassed by 'somebody' who's got a bigger place to put his 'brains' in? That seems to be where this is heading...

@07:14 "Now this has profound implications particularly when it comes to questions of power."He compares the purely physical strength between a chimpanzee and a human (as if that were the only metric!) and uses that to transition us to accept his further propositions when he compares us to some kind of AI.

@07:27 "... and yet the fate of Kanzi and his pals depends a lot more on what we humans do than what the chimpanzees do themselves."So by analogy, this will also be true of 'super-intelligence' with respect to humans. We are expected to simply accept this analogy by ignoring (or here in this audience, not caring perhaps) the multitude of domains that influence and even determine the validity of the comparison!


And now we come to the middle of time in the presentation and the most provocative and humanly egocentric propositions made in the whole talk..

@07:43 "Think about it. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make."He has no standing to make this claim. He nor anyone else can know what new way of looking at our world may come. NONE of us can truthfully say we have/know all of the 'variables' and 'dimensions' to our universe. We have barely begun to scratch the surface in all of our endeavours and therefore, have no right to make claims like these.

Yet it gets even more insane, because he then yields humanity to the proverbial 'chopping block' of evolution:
@07:49 "The machines will be better at inventing than we are and they will be doing so on digital time scales."What kind of education would create these kinds of propositions?

Why do we stand for this? He's obviously a highly intelligent human being. How can he have fallen for this kind of artificial relation of our place in the universe. We are likely not the only planet with intelligent life either!

We don't even know enough about the creative process to explain away God, not to mention explaining punctuated evolution! And I've not even referred to the discovery process yet as an additional criterion for intelligence.

This is where the inherent disdain for humanity contained within our hijacked science and technology best reveals itself. It has poisoned some of the most brilliant minds of our children like we see here. He makes these naive claims and doesn't even realize the measure of his presumption whilst doing so.

Even the remark about digital time scales is naive. We don't know enough about the depth and subtlety of the concepts such as time (temporality) nor scaling (proportion) to make any of these claims.

There are other ways of looking at these rich concepts that could transform our view of what we think or presume to know and even how we see ourselves in light of those expanded perspectives and context.

This naivety is shown here, as well:
@07:55 "What this means basically is a telescoping of the future."and here:
@08:01 "Think of all the crazy technologies that you could have imagined maybe humans could have developed in the fullness of time."
I simply don't know what to say about such a remark, except non sequitur. It simply doesn't make any sense! Am I the only one who recognizes this fact? I sure hope not.

Our attention is then drawn to the blue hue surrounding the audience and I'm shocked to see how many people are being duped and even enthralled by this show. It's as if they have taken their 'phone off the hook' and sit there like they're watching a television. Some of them are even taking notes! We must stop being so trusting as to allow ourselves to be put in that position in the first place!

@08:24 "Now a super-intelligence with such 'technological maturity' would be extremely powerful. And at least in some scenarios, it would be able to get what it wants."There is no such thing as technological maturity and this underscores the disjunct the funders of science have created between who we are and our artefacts (what we make). He is talking about tools, isn't he? He's been trained to anthropomorphise technology (despite his reservations later below) as if it were 'alive' as we. Even if we were to create technology that is capable of mind, it would not represent an achievement of technology, rather an achievement of humanity. It would belong to our achievements.

@08:35 "We would then have a future that would be shaped by the preferences of this AI."How can we be sure? I ask this because, his next question is:

@08:41*"Now a good question is, 'What are those preferences?' Here it gets trickier."He gives his warning about anthropomorphising and shows a picture of a terminator. Before explaining what these preferences may be, he suggests to conceive of the issue "more abstractly".

@09:09 "We need to think of intelligence as an optimization process. A process that steers the future into a particular set of configurations."How does he know that intelligence is the only factor doing the steering of the future or even if it's possible to 'steer' the future? At best we can 'steer' ourselves and thereby influence how that future unfolds!

Also, optimization is not the only process necessary and is not alone sufficient to influence future outcomes. He's now not only comparing apples with oranges, he's using thin slices of them!

@09:17 "A super-intelligence is a really strong optimization process. It's extremely good at using available means to achieve a state in which its goal is realized."This is another fundamental deficit with AI (which would be more aptly named: synthetic intelligence): they continually miss other aspects of reality that have nothing to do with state and aren't states at all!

The universe doesn't restrict itself to states no matter how needful we are to make it be so Hidden Markov models, Bayesian statistics, for example are all dead-ends which are in the process of playing themselves out.

Goal-oriented 'intelligence' is also not all there is to mind and the achievement of goals is not automatically a measure of usefulness nor necessarily a sign of intelligence.
It gets naively 'Turing-esque' with this statement:

@09:27 "This means there's no necessary connection between being highly intelligent in this sense and having an objective that we humans would find worth while or meaningful."He's using the word 'connection' here when he can only mean 'difference' for it to make any sense going from the way he's framed the sentence.

I've written elsewhere on Turing, so I won't go into detail, but this statement offers the same kind of fraud that the Turing Test offers us, namely: If a machine can fool you so well that you cannot tell it's a machine or a real person, then the machine has passed the test.

Here he's saying that a 'super-intelligent machine' being capable of pursuing a meaningful goal is another proof of its real intelligence. That's incorrect even if it were possible get a machine participate in the richness of mind. We don't yet even understand the processes in which we organically set and arrive at goals with, but we are going to have a machine do this?

@09:39 "Suppose we give an AI the goal to make humans smile. When the AI is weak, it performs useful or amusing actions that cause its user to smile. When the AI becomes super-intelligent it realizes there is a more effective way to achieve this goal."Ah... excuse me, but if we're speaking of intelligence then we don't have users, do we? We don't if their intelligence is anything like our own.

He differentiates between strong and weak AI to underscore that 'super-intelligence' implies sentience. We don't yet know how a dominant monad ('I'-ness) works inside of us organically, not to mention how to impart this quality to a machine. I suppose, like all good materialists, we'll just create enough initial conditions which then will become complex enough that sophonce spontaneously generates itself? (sophonce: self-awareness, including self-reflection and the ability to think about one's thinking)

@09:43 "Take control of the world and like stick electrodes into the facial muscles of humans..."Isn't that sweet? That's not intelligence, it's stupidity, and a callous lack of regard for human dignity.
We knew that at least some mechanism of fear and control is going to be involved here (just having banksters fund the work presumes that 'cocktail' in the mix). But here is another example of the disparity made evident when such a thing could be made possible. We have received inverted and perverted priorities from those who fund our science and finance the development of our technology, and control the education of our young.

Do you see how easy it is for him to imagine such a scenario. See how the audience is not appalled at such an outcome? Neither the speaker nor the audience seems aware of how wrong this picture is.

The need to dominate and subjugate, which funds our science, pays for our technology and directs our education is even weaving itself into them: thereby infecting the young minds being exposed to it.

We must wake up and stop this perversion of our science and technology. If we do science or create technology with no concern for our values and ethics, then we are going to arrive at fundamental choices too early in our evolution and make the wrong choices on how they are put to use.

@10:02 "Take another example. Let's suppose we give AI the goal to solve a difficult mathematical problem. When the AI becomes super-intelligent, it realizes that the most effective way is to get the solution to this problem by transforming the planet into a giant computer so as to increase its thinking capacity."Does that sound intelligent to you? I'm well aware of where this is heading, because of what has come before. We shall see what he proposes to solve his scenario's 'conundrum'. He's simply giving us examples of what could be from his own imagination,  but this reveals his own inner thoughts, feelings, priorities, and... training.

@10:17 "And notice that this gives the AI an instrumental reason to do things to us that we might not approve of. Human beings in this model are a threat. We could prevent the mathematical problem from being solved."If we could, why would we create an AI that would do such a thing? Mistakes happen? No! If an AI is really intelligent, it would also know of the consequences of its actions at the latest, during its execution of them.

Now we get to the main reason for the talk.

[To be continued in my next post with the same title.]

Monday, August 22, 2016

HUD Fly-by Test

Link to video.
Don’t take this as an actual knowledge representation; rather, simply a simulation of one. I’m working out the colour, transparent/translucent, camera movements, and other technical issues.
In any case you may find it interesting.
The real representations are coming soon.

A New Kind of Knowledge Representation Is Coming to Be!

Link to video

The project is now coming to conclusion (finally). In this video I show an example knowledge molecule being ‘examined’ by the knowledge representation.
I’ve hidden the other actors in this demonstration and have simplified the instrumentation to preserve my priority on my work.
Be patient! It won’t be long now… I have the theoretical underpinnings already behind me. Now it’s only about the representation of that work.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Obfuscation In A 'Nut' Shell

Obfuscation In A 'Nut' Shell
Distinctions that are no differences, are incomplete, or are in discord.
In knowledge representation these 'impurities' (artificiality) and their influence are made easy to see.
In groks you will see them as obfuscation fields. That means darkening and/or inversion dynamics. The term refers to the visual representation of an obfuscated field, and can also be represented as dark and/or inverted movements of a field or group. I concentrate more on the dark versions here and will consider the inversions (examples of lying) in a future post.

They bring dynamics that are manipulative, artificial, or non-relevant into the knowledge representation. Their dynamic signatures make them stand out out like a sore thumb.

Cymatic images reveal these dynamics too. There are multiple vortexes, each with their own semantic contribution to the overall meaning to a knowledge molecule or group.

Here is an example of a snow flake (seen below)
From Linden Gledhill.

Note that not all vortexes are continuous through the 'bodies' of the molecules they participate in. Also, in order to correctly visualize what I'm saying, one must realize that the cymatic images are split expressions. That means to see the relationship, you must add the missing elements which are hinted at by the image.

Every cymatic image is a cut through the dynamics it represents. We are in effect seeing portions of something whole. Whole parts are dissected necessarily, because the surface of expression is limited to a 'slice' through the complete molecule.

(Only the two images marked '' are my own! The other images are only meant as approximations to aid in the understanding of my work.)

See the animated versions of these images here:

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Creation of 'Care'

The Creation of 'Care'

The 8th Principle of Natural Law: Care

The 'container' in which all of the principles of natural law exist. What we care about on a daily basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions.

Care+Knowledge+Action (Feeling, Mind, Being)

This is the reason my mother named me 'Care-y'. She told me as a child when I asked her why she named me Carey that I would be the one who cares.

Note how this is the opposite of what our parasitic slave owners want. They even celebrate the opposite. They call it the 'Cremation of Care'. Here a description on WikiLies):

Actual footage of the ceremony here:

The parasites sucking us dry for centuries now have the religion to make us want to not care any more. "Stand down and accept your chains... that's what their religion is there for." - Mark Passio

Mark Passio's brief introduction.
Go to @42:43 in the video for 'Care'.

Full Version of his Natural Law seminar is here:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Artificial Liberty - Your freedom is an illusion and the Liberty Bell has a crack in it.

Artificial Liberty
Your freedom is an illusion and the Liberty Bell has a crack in it.

Toto! Please pull back the curtain!

Note when the bell was cracked:

192 years ago you didn't have to ask permission from the government to:
  • Go fishing, collect rain water, use a transportation vehicle, build a home or renovate it.
  • You didn't have to pay tax upon tax with already taxed money.
  • You didn't have to ask permission and pay to be married, obtain licenses, certifications or permits to hunt, own a weapon, become a carpenter or any other trade or profession.
  • You didn't have to ask permission to protest or redress Government, or sell a product or have your income illegally taxed by the 16th Amendment, which was never ratified!
You can virtually do 'NOTHING' without being extorted by government and obtaining their permission first.

If you still think you're FREE you're deluding yourself. You live in an 'open air prison' as 'free range humans' thoroughly manipulated and controlled by the illusion of a free society.

The banksters and the 'diplomats' THEY choose are all exempt. They form the neo-royalty of 'Too Big To Fail' sitting off-shore and 'safe' from their own edicts.

They just love Socialism and Communism , because they can exempt themselves from the political structure and _suck the life out of it like vampires, as in TPP , TPIP , central banks (making money out of 'thin air'), and all their taxing systems.

They are now in 'panic mode', because WE are waking up to them.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Beware The Serpent And His Oil

Link to video
Donald Trump tells the story of mass invasion.
A short and succinct video.

I say make the banksters take them in! It is THEY who displaced them with their funding both sides of almost every war since Rome and every war since Napoleon!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Communism - Snake Oil Manufactured and Sold to Enslave You

Snake Oil Manufactured and Sold to Enslave You
Communism is the 'snake oil' sold by Satanists, created by fraud, and propagated by a 'wrecking crew' to make the tyranny of a few popular to the masses.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Every Culture Must Be Respected And Preserved

European Preservation 

The parasitic pre-mature globalists want us to forget and/or abandon our heritage. They have limited talents and can only 'create' by destroying. They must force us into artificial diversity instead of allow us to naturally form a global civilisation.

They tell themselves they are special, but they want us to ignore the fraud, cronyism, deception, obfuscation, division, Cultural Marxism, social engineering, propaganda, murder, coercion, war, poisoning,... they have used to usurp the positions they have attained and given each other.

They are a blight upon humanity which has infected every single human endeavour known to man including science, mathematics, philosophy, education, and technology.

We would be living in the clouds and at night be looking into the sky to witness the construction of planetary ships and space stations being being built to take us to unknown vistas if it weren't for their 'hidden hand' blocking, diverting,  and subverting of humanity's evolution through the centuries.

We MUST NOT let this happen any more. 'The sleeper must awaken!'

Friday, February 5, 2016

Progressive Regressive's Logic Of Love

Progressive Regressive's Logic Of Love
I'd almost want to put my head in the sand to get away from this kind of thinking, but I'm concerned about the vulnerability of my rear end!

They don't seem care about this though... Denial and wilful ignorance is such bliss... from and for anyone who's some kind of insane.

Men And Their Semantics - Turning Meaning into Legos

Men And Their Semantics - Turning Meaning into Legos


Semantically speaking: Does meaning structure unite languages?
This work is a dead end waiting to happen. Of course it will attract much interest, money, and perhaps even yield new insights into the commonality of language, but there's better ways to get there.

What's even more sad is that they, who should know better, will see my intentions in making this clear as destructive criticism instead of a siren warning regarding research governed/originating through a false paradigm. These people cannot see or overlook the costs humanity pays for the misunderstandings research like this causes and is based upon.

It's even worse in the field of genetic engineering with their chimera research. The people wasting public money funding this research need to be gotten under control again.

I don't want to criticize the researcher's intentions. It's their framing and methodology that I see as primitive, naive, and incomplete.

I'm not judging who they are nor their ends; rather, their means of getting there.

"Quantification" is exactly the wrong way to 'measure/compare semantics; not to mention "partitioning" them!

1) The value in this investigation that they propose is to extrapolate and interpolate ontology. Semantics are more than ontology. They possess a complete metaphysics which includes their epistemology.

2) You cannot quantify qualities, because you reduce the investigation to measurement; which itself imposes meaning upon the meaning you wish to measure. Semantics, in their true form, are relations and are non-physical and non-reducible.

3) Notice also, partitioning is imposed upon the semantics (to make them 'measurable/comparable'). If you compare semantics in such a way then you only get answers in terms of your investigation/ontology.

4) The better way is to leave the semantics as they are! Don't classify them! Learn how they are related. Then you will know how they are compared.

There's more to say, but I think you get the idea... ask me if you want clarification...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Organic VS. Artificial and Weaponized Culture

Organic VS. Artificial and Weaponized Culture
The parasitic #banksters need to force an artificial and pre-mature form of globalism upon us instead of allowing a natural and organic evolution.

Everywhere nationalism tries to take hold, it is attacked and marginalized. We MUST be allowed to maintain our individual and collective identities when we evolve. If we don't, we move too fast and without wisdom.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Nobel Prize For Stating The Obvious

Nobel Prize For Stating The Obvious
You can get a Nobel for anything these days: Obama for peace(!) and Merkel soon for treason, for example.

You need only be 'connected' or have something to say or do that our controllers value.

In this one we have 3 points:
1) 'Huh' and its variants appear in 31 languages
2) People stop for clarification in conversation once every 90 seconds
3) People share the burden of fixing misunderstanding in conversation.

Now if you didn't know this already, then celebrate!
'Trust' For Sale
More of Google's attempt to become the 'clearing house' of truthful, 'trustful', and important facts and therewith create a 'truthful tribe'. I thought we wanted to rid ourselves of tribalism?

So many talented people will never be known, because they work 'under the radar' or for being ignored (exiled) as 'heretics'.

Here is a question: how can even truth, not to mention trust, be systematized when we cannot know all of it as well as its many sources of origination?

Google is creating its own demise with this. It will go down or cause a vast migration of awakened (and non-evangelists) to move to, create, or participate in other search engines.

True research must make it's own decisions upon what is truthful, trustworthy, and valuable. If we allow a corporation to manage these values, we will enter an age of 'privatized credibility'.

They will be able to keep people out of the debate (social discourse) by making them non-authoritative. If they can establish metrics then everyone must conform to them.

It's like believing Marx, Engels, and Lenin were philosophers when they were really children playing with snake-oil in order to sell the idea that a tyranny of Communism was the solution to humanity's problems.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Typical Knowledge Acquisitions Node

Link to video...

Knowledge Representation

A typical knowledge acquisition node showing two layers of abstraction. Note how some of the acquisition field detection moves with the observer's perspective. You can tell, due to the varying visual aspects of the fields and their conjunctions that it has already been primed and in use.

This node may be one of thousands/millions/billions which form when acquiring the semantics of any particular signal set.

Their purpose is to encode a waveform of meaning.

Basically it is these 'guys' which do the work of 'digesting' the knowledge contained within any given signal; sort of like what enzymes do in our cells.

The size, colour (although not here represented), orientation, quantity, sequence, and other attributes of the constituent field representations all contribute to a unique representation of those semantics the given node has encountered along its travel through any particular set of signal. The knowledge representation (not seen here) is comprised of the results of what these nodes do.

This node represents a unique cumulative 'imprint' or signature derived from the group of knowledge molecules it has processed during its life time in the collation similar to what a checksum does in a more or less primitive fashion for numerical values in IT applications.

I have randomized/obfuscated a bit here (in a few different ways), as usual, so that I can protect my work and release it in a prescribed and measured way over time.

In April I will be entering the 7th year of working on this phase of my work. I didn't intentionally plan it this way, but the number 7 does seem to be a 'number of completion' for me as well.

The shape of the model was not intended in itself. It 'acquired' this shape during the course of its work. It could have just as well been of a different type (which I'm going to show here soon).

Important is the 'complementarity' of the two shapes as they are capable of encoding differing levels of abstraction. The inner model is more influenced by the observer than the outer one, for example. The outer shape contains a sort of 'summary' of what the inner shape has processed.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Race Baiting Is Trendy - Political Correctness Until ALL Are Silent

It's as if history started and stopped in the American Civil War.There is no mention of black slave traders:

No mention of black slave owners:

Nor the existence of white slaves is mentioned; some of which were owned by blacks!

Slavery is a human problem not a racial one.
The Irish were bought sold by all races:

Here Mulatto Slave traders:

The Africans even fought among each other in the traffic of their own peoples:

Even Jews were involved (and quite prominently, I might add:

I've posted on this woman before and many times on this subject.
Melissa Harris-Perry also thinks your children are property of the State:

I personally have Irish, Scottish, American Indian, Black, and Mexican people in my family. What are we now to do - 'disown' and hate each other just because the collective's social engineers want us to go at each other?

I decided I will not be played for a chump. Notice also here term for people as 'folks' (a radical's term for people being chumped).

See Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals:

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Our 'Owners' Will Still Eat Meat - The Weaponization Of Our Emotions

why+should+i+go+veganOur 'Owners' Will Still Eat Meat - The Weaponization Of Our Emotions The best of our intentions are being used against us. The parasitic class is active on many levels right now, just like with mandatory vaccinations, by pushing those of us who cannot or will not differentiate the truth (see beyond their own bias), towards stigmatizing the consumption of meat and meat products; be it through animal rights groups, GAIA movements, Vegetarians, or Vegans. These well-intentioned people think, each for their own personal reasons, that everyone should go without any meat and/or dairy products. It's not enough to make it a choice for everyone, it must be forced and coerced upon those who they think don't care about animals. The conditions that animals must endure in the meat industry is not the fault of people who eat meat, nor is it because meat is eaten; rather, because of the corporations and the governments / bureaucracies they now control who have injected themselves into the farming of animals! It is they who are dictating to farmers how to raise and care for the animals in their charge. It's not about being safe either; it's about control... control of the 'slaves' (us). Don't think for one moment that they who control our governments are going to regulate themselves! No, the many regulations are only meant for us 'serfs' in their neo-Feudalism. It's also about dividing us against each other. It's about using our own empathy towards animals and turning it into a weapon against humanity itself. It is the weoponization of our emotions. The truth is many indigenous peoples have been eating meat for many thousands of years and have done so in ways that are not violent. I will continue posts on this subject as time permits. One of my next posts will be to debunk people like this Dr. Gregor here: Nothing is as it seems... even the best among us have been 'weaponized' and don't have any desire for you to wake them up from their trance. In fact; they see you as standing in their way!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Really! Nothing Is 'Real'

Is anything RealAnother example of the 'neo-snake-oil salesmen' peddling you trendy pabulum and neo-Babylon confusion. My current project Mathesis Universalis will bring an end to this menagerie of nonsense and subtle programming.

I could write a book on this. Don't believe everything put forward in this... set of perspectives. This is a work in process so stay tuned... updates are coming very shortly.

I'm happy that he allows for more than 5 senses as this is a common error made by science and philosophy up to this time. I've taken issue with it elsewhere numerous times. Also I'm pleased that he is allowing for Neuroplasticity (Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz has been leading this new model for over 10 years.)

Up to @04:27 I take issue with two important assumptions he makes:
1) That sensory information is the only way we 'register' reality.
2) He is a physicalist pure through. If he can't measure and quantify it, then it doesn't exist for him... This leads to what is known as causal ambiguity (among other things).

@04:57- He says that memory is stored all over the brain. This is incorrect. The effects of the phenomena of memory are manifested in various areas of the brain. There is no sufficient and necessary proof that memory is stored there! They PRESUME it to be stored there, because they can not allow or imagine anything non-physical being able to store any kind of knowledge.

@05:09- "How many memories can you fit inside your head? What is the storage capacity of the human brain?" he asks.

In addition to the presumption that memories are stored there, he then ignores the capacity of other areas of the body to imprint the effects of memory: the digestive tract, the endocrine and immune 'systems',... even to cell membranes (in cases of addiction, for example)!!!

@05:23- "But given the amount of neurons in the human brain involved with memory..." (the first presumption that memories are stored there) "and the number of connections a single neuron can make..." (he's turning this whole perspective on memory into a numerical problem!) which is reductionism.

@05:27- He then refers to the work of Paul Reber, professor of psychology at Northwestern University who explained his 'research' into answering that question. here's the link. I will break that further stream of presumptions down next. (the question is asked about middle of the 1st page of the article which contains 2 pages)

Paul Reber makes a joke and then says: "The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help store a single memory, running out of space would be a problem. You might have only a few gigabytes of storage space, similar to the space in an iPod or a USB flash drive."

"Yet neurons combine so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes). For comparison, if your brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage."

These presumptions and observations are full of ambiguity and guesswork. Given that we are not reading a thesis on the subject, we can allow him a little slack, but even the conclusions he has arrived at are nothing substantial. More below as he reveals his lack of knowledge next.

"The brain’s exact storage capacity for memories is difficult to calculate. First, we do not know how to measure the size of a memory. Second, certain memories involve more details and thus take up more space; other memories are forgotten and thus free up space. Additionally, some information is just not worth remembering in the first place."

He not only doesn't know to measure memories (which he admits), he cannot even tell you what they are precisely! He offers here also no reason for us to believe that memory is reducible to information!

@05:50- "The world is real... right?" (I almost don't want to know what's coming next!)

And then it really gets wild...

@05:59- With his: "How do you know?" question he begins to question the existence of rocket scientists. He moves to Sun centric ideas (we've heard this one before) to show how wrong humanity has been in the past.

He seems to ignore or not be aware of the fact that that many pre-science explorers as far back as ancient Alexandria knew better and had documented this idea as being false. This 'error' of humanity reveals more about dogma of a church/religion/tradition than of humanity/reality as it truly is.

@06:29- "Do we... or will we ever know true reality?" is for him the next question to ask and then offers us to accept the possibility that we may only know what is approximately true.

@06:37 "Discovering more and more useful theories every day, but never actually reaching true objective actual reality."

 This question is based upon so much imprecision, ignorance, and arrogance that it isn't even useful!

First of all: we cannot know "true objective actual reality" in all of its 'essence', because we must form a perspective around that which we observe in order to 'see' anything meaningful. As soon as a perspective comes into 'being', we lose objectivity. (ignorance, assumption) He doesn't define what 'reality' for him is. (imprecision)

He doesn't explain what the difference between 'true' and 'actual' might be. (imprecision, assumption)

Theories are NOT discovered, rather created (implicit arrogance). They can only be discovered if they were already known/formulated at some time.

Also; theories do not stand on their own; rather, they depend upon continued affirmation by being questioned for as long as they exist. We DO NOT store knowledge in our answers; rather, in our questions.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Google 'Oracle' - An Upside-Down Paradigm

The Google 'Oracle' - An Upside-Down Paradigm
I think the 'philosophy' is backwards.
Why isn't Google keeping US 'happy'?

In a free market it is NOT a corporation which decides which product to use; rather, the consumers who buy their products.
Google has the paradigm backwards, don't you think?

There are four major issues:
1) They are positioning themselves as 'knowledge brokers' and are trying to insert the ideas of ownership and privatization into the Noosphere. No one person (even artificial 'humans' which corporations are) or group has the right to lay claim on knowledge. It must remain free to everyone.

2) Their manipulation of search results. I now have to use several different search engines to get my work done since they've moved to Search. It's not the job of a search engine to decide for me what's important! Not even to 'protect' me.

3) Their efforts to insert themselves into the noosphere as arbiters of the conceptual landscape. This is known as #KBT Knowledge Based Trust.

4) The upper leadership belongs to what I call the 'wrecking crew'. Google is actively participating in the premature globalization, social engineering, and weaponized technologization we see all around us.

#Corporatism #Google #GoogleNow
#Knowledge #Wisdom #Understanding #Learning #Insight

Link to article:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

You Had Your Say? - Not At YouTube

You Had Your Say? - Not At YouTube
This is a photo documentation of the comment section of a TED video I criticized yesterday. Notice that the time of the comparison was over 24 hours after the post... you'd think that would be enough time to synchronize all the servers, but it wasn't!

It was enough for other's comment, but not for mine.

Even though many people posted AFTER me, my sort order was 'Newest First', the two comparisons are from the same area with one being anonymous, they show no signs of my comment!

If you thought your free speech is allowed a place at YouTube, think again.

Here's a link to the video:
See for yourself.